At the start of the new academic year, the Academy for AI, Games & Media offers the new students a 4-day event. The Academy for AI, Games & Media Festival ‘Camp Lost’.
The following terms and conditions apply to all those who are participating in any way, in Camp Lost.
Participating means that you agree with the following terms and conditions.
All the upcoming students of the Academy for AI, Games & Media may join Camp Lost.
The costs for Camp Lost are €165,-. Without payment, it is not allowed to participate.
After subscribing it is not possible to get a refund, unless there are legitimate reasons.
When you enter the festival site as a participant, you declare that you agree to these house rules. When you enter you will strictly follow instructions given by the organisation.
To gain access to the festival site, the participant must be in possession of a valid identity card (passport, identity card or drivers license), which must be shown on request.
To gain access to the festival site, the participant must be in possession of a valid registration form, which must be shown on request.
The participant is prohibited from behaving in such a way that the order at the event is disrupted.
The regulations have been drawn up to ensure order and safety at the festival. In case of non-compliance with the house rules, the Camp Lost organisation is entitled to deny the participant access to the site. The Camp Lost organisation can report to the police in case of non-compliance with the terms of agreement or failure to follow instructions from the Camp Lost organisation, employees or other competent authorities. When the participant is denied access to the site, the Camp Lost organisation is never obliged to grant a refund of (possible) entrance- or other fees.
The same rules of conduct apply to Camp Lost as in the rest of the Netherlands; violence, discrimination, intimidation, and vandalism will not be tolerated. Any damage will be recovered from the perpetrator and the police will be called in.
Misbehavior on and around the festival grounds or during the participation in the city program can immediately lead to the termination of participation in the festival.
The participant is required to follow the program offered by the organisation of Camp Lost.
The participant will strictly follow the instructions of the employees of the Camp Lost organisation and employees of the police, fire brigade, GGD or other competent authorities.
It is prohibited to sell goods on or around the festival grounds without explicit written permission from the Camp Lost organisation. Security has the right to search participants. If the participant refuses to cooperate, access will be denied.
The Camp Lost organisation has the right to deny access to anyone to the festival at any time.
Safety always comes first during all of our activities, during the introduction days. Instructions of the Camp Lost organisation always need to be followed. The Camp Lost organisation will ensure that the emergency plan is well communicated with all the staff.
Subscription after the mid of July will not guarantee the shirt size ordered.
For all cases and/or situations in which these regulations do not provide, the Camp Lost organisation reserves the right to make additional rules, verbally and/or in writing, to which the participants are bound.
Camp Lost stands and follows the code of conduct of BUas.
“We envision a study environment in which everyone treats each other with respect, in which everyone feels safe and comfortable, and in which you can study successfully.”
We must make clear what we expect from each other, what conduct is desirable, and what we mean by acting ethically and with integrity. The ‘Code of conduct’ of BUas is intended to provide clarity in this respect. If any undesired behaviour does occur, and you are not able to discuss questions and resolve problems yourself please contact the organisation team of Camp Lost to get in contact with the assigned BUas employee to help you to get in contact with the BUas confidential counsellor.
The organisation of Camp Lost has the right to remove the participant who acts contrary to this code of conduct from the event site, without the organisation of Camp Lost being obliged to refund the entrance fee.
During the period of the festival, the Camp Lost organisation will provide the participants with meals; lunch and dinner.
Keep the terrain neat and clean. Throw waste into the appropriate bins.
Toilet facilities are available on site. These are accessible free of charge unless otherwise stated. The participant is obliged to use these facilities. Making the need at other places than in the toilet facilities is strictly forbidden.
Entering the site and visiting the festival site is entirely at participants own risk.
The Camp Lost organisation is not liable for damage to, loss, or theft of possessions.
The Camp Lost organisation and its employees are not in any way liable for any damage that has occurred in any form whatsoever.
It is not allowed to leave Camp Lost without permission. Students are not allowed to leave the premises without permission or exclude themselves from the participation of the city day.
If it occurs that a student needs to leave the premises, a declaration of leave needs to be filled in and signed by both parties. If a participant chooses not to respect these rules, the participant will be removed from Camp Lost.
At their return, the form will be destroyed and will be of no further use.
By a participant inflicted damage to rented resources, the building or personal possessions from others will have to be charged to the participant.
Participants enter and attend the event at their own risk. BUas is not responsible for any form of physical or mental injury because of attending Camp Lost.
BUas and/or the Camp Lost organisation is not liable for any damage to property and/or property of participants.
BUas and/or the Camp Lost organisation is not liable for lost or stolen property of participants.
Open fires are strictly forbidden on the festival grounds.
It is forbidden to take any property of the Camp Lost organisation. The removal of property from the Camp Lost organisation is as considered theft.
In case of destruction of property belonging to the Camp Lost organisation or third parties on or around the terrain, the police will be reported.
When you enter the AGM introduction festival Camp Lost event or program, you enter an area where photography, audio, and video recording will occur.
By entering the event premises, you consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, webcasts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by Camp Lost and its affiliates and representatives.
Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote similar Camp Lost events in the future, highlight the event. You release Camp Lost, its officers, and employees, and each and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or sound recordings.
By entering the event premises, you waive all rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use, exhibition, streaming, webcasting, televising, or other publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose or sponsoring of such use, exhibiting, broadcasting, webcasting, or other publication irrespective of whether a fee for admission or sponsorship is charged.
You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by Camp Lost or the person or entity designated to do so by Camp Lost. You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.
Professional (press) photographers and/or people who want to make photo or film recordings of the event out of commercial motives, must be in possession of valid accreditation from the Camp Lost organisation.
Owning, using, or trading soft drugs, hard drugs, or smart drugs is prohibited (this includes drugs such as – nitrous oxide (laughing gas)).
Bringing along alcoholic beverages is not permitted. This will be checked by the Camp Lost organisation, volunteers or security assigned to this task.
Smoking is only allowed at the outside areas. It is not allowed for participants younger than the age of 18 to buy, receive, or consume alcohol. Also, the passing of liquor to minors is not allowed.
Smoking is prohibited in all indoor locations / covered locations on the festival site as well as on campus grounds.
Throwing with food, drinks or throwing other items is forbidden.
Bar staff may refuse to serve alcohol at their discretion.
It is not permitted for the participant, who has not yet reached the age of 18, to buy alcoholic beverages, to carry, drink and/or try to obtain alcoholic beverages. The Camp Lost organisation has the right to remove the participant who acts in violation of this article from the festival site without the Camp Lost organisation being obliged to refund the entrance fee.
The participant, irrespective of his or her age, is not allowed to provide alcoholic drinks (with or without payment) to someone who has not yet reached the age of 18 years. The Camp Lost organisation has the right to remove the participant who acts in violation of this article from the festival site without the Camp Lost organisation being obliged to refund the entrance fee.
All participants will receive a Camp Lost t-shirt at the beginning of the festival and is obligated to wear it during the daily events of the festival. During the city day it is obligated.
It is not allowed to wear clothing representing a sorority, fraternity or student association, whom is not contributing to Camp Lost and has not signed the contract.
It is not allowed to wear clothing representing a bar, whom is not contributing to the current edition of Camp Lost.
Appropriate clothing has to be worn.
Name: To check who is who and add you the assigned group
Date of Birth: To give you the proper wristband according to your age
E-mail: To provide you with further information about Camp Lost
Student number: To prove your registration at BUas
Phone number: To contact you directly, in case of any circumstances which can influence your participation of Camp Lost
Education to follow: All participants will be divided in groups which will be conform their education
Shirt size: To provide you with a shirt which will match your size
Who to reach in case of emergency? (name + telephone): To contact third parties in case of emergency
Diet preferences: To take into account your preferences and wishes concerning the food & beverages we provide. Purposes and legal bases for processing:
Consequences of not providing personal data: If you decide not to provide the information which is asked in the form, the organisation of Camp Lost cannot guarantee to provide you with the correct information, food & beverages, clothing, form groups, or inform third parties when needed. Duration of storage of the provided information to the organisation of Camp Lost the information you have provided to the organisation of Camp Lost will be kept safe in a database of the Camp Lost organisation. The information will be shared with:
Insight personal data: The participant has the right to inspect, rectify or delete the personal data. Please contact the Camp Lost organisation if this is desirable.