For the full checklist please do check out the ‘checklist’ page
During Camp Lost you will need a bike, tent and sleeping accessories, as these are not supplied by us. Make sure you arrange these items in advance and think carefully and thoroughly about what exactly you are bringing. See below for useful links to buy your necessities.
At Camp Lost you will need a 1–2-person tent. As many students are coming to Camp Lost, do not bring anything bigger. Buying a tent can be done in many places. Check online or visit multiple sports / travel stores, which would make searching for a tent much easier. On top of that, asking friends and family can also always be an option, because besides a tent, you also need the accessories to sleep.
You will need a bike that you can bring to Camp Lost as we will leave the campsite for activities. If you are from outside The Netherlands, or outside of Breda, it is a good idea to rent or buy a bike, for when you start your study at BUas. There are plenty of bike stores in Breda and in the Netherlands, please look in multiple stores or look online to buy a bike. To rent a bike look carefully, where are you going to pick it up, return it, what the costs are, if there are any rules, etc. You can rent bikes in many places in the Netherlands and Breda, but you can also look at OV-bikes, which you can find at Breda train station.
Air mattress: https://www.action.com/nl-nl/p/2501766/intex-1-persoonsluchtbed/
Tent (2p): https://www.decathlon.nl/p/kampeertent-voor-2-personen-mh100/_/R-p-303295
Sleeping bag: https://www.decathlon.nl/p/slaapzak-voor-kamperen-arpenaz-20deg/_/R-p-303115
OV Bike: https://www.ns.nl/en/door-to-door/ov-fiets/how-it-works.html
At the campsite there is a chill area to feel comfortable in. We take full importance of having a safe environment and ensure a fun time for everyone, no matter the circumstance. In this area we provide a space to rest and/or to play boardgames with your fellow peers.